In their first appearance in New York City, NakedEye reflects on both the journey of the musicians into their point of convergence in NakedEye, and the many stories that are told in the works featured tonight. Because members of the group come from diverse stylistic backgrounds, our music reflects the rock, jazz, experimental, and classical genres that define each musician separately. For us and for composers writing for us, this is a journey where storylines cross from the personal into the musical. Randall Woolf takes Chopin to the precipice of chaos, Ethan Wickman sings his atomic opera, Jude Traxler counterpoints in rhythmic virtuosity, Richard Belcastro turns whiskey shots into toy piano and electric guitar riffs, Monica Pearce riffs iPhone text messages into music, and Moritz Eggert is a one-(wo)man fury band. All works on the program – except One-Man Band – are New York premieres.
Moritz Eggert: One-Man Band (1994)
Richard Belcastro: Knock 'em Back (written for NakedEye, 2016. NY Premiere)
Monica Pearce: divertimento (2014, NY Premiere)
Ethan Wickman: Atomic Variations (2006)
Randall Woolf: Durchbrochene Stil (written for Ju-Ping Song, 2015. NY Premiere)
Jude Traxler: Little Did We Know (2014, NY Premiere)
Zack Browning: Decade of the Dragon (written for NakedEye, 2015. NY Premiere)